Thursday, February 16, 2006

instant expert

it's amazing how three days of late night olympics coverage allows you to shamelessly jump on the winter sports bandwagon.

i originally tuned in because i spent last new year's in turin and was hoping for the occasional glimpse of the town i fell in love with - wide steets, the sunset river and the best gelati in italy. but now i'm hooked...

a glimpse of freestyle moguls, halfpipe snowboarding or whatever and i feel entirely qualified to judge 'explosive runs', 'clean landings', whether or not someone has 'corked a 10-80' and whether they get lots of 'air' and are 'super-relaxed' on their jumps.

do people actually talk like this? real people? i hope so, because i'm embracing it whole-heartedly.
and i'm not using capital letters in this post either - because funky snowboarding people don't. or do they? i've got no idea. if an australian wins gold in any sport at all, no matter how random or obscure, it's our national duty to become obsessed with it.

count me in.


At 8:28 AM, Blogger deep in thought said...

do i detect a hint of sarcasm?

when i win my first skeleton gold medal i'm going to talk about how no one believed in me but i persisted and overcame adversity.

then you'll be sorry.

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Scotland said...

By the time you've won your first skeleton medal, you'll have had to overcome more than a little adversity! How those people aren't all paraplegic by now I don't know.

Or committed at least. As if travelling down icy piping glad-wrapped in gaudy rubber skin on a drinks tray at 125 km/h backwards isn't weird enough, the skeletons (is this what they are refrred to as!?!?) decide to go one better and face their impending doom head-on.


At 12:02 AM, Blogger deep in thought said...

Indeed... but it makes late night viewing absolutely riveting, if only for the grotesque 'could someone get decapitated in the next five minutes' factor.


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