Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Obama, Davies... and the news media.

While wading through the buckets of coverage on the upcoming US election [does anybody else just LOVE Michelle Obama?] I came across Anne Davies in today's Age:

"In this election, the blogosphere has become the front line for smear and innuendo, whether it be allegations that Senator Obama is a Muslim or that Mrs Palin is a book-banning, gun-toting bigot."

This bothers me on so many immediate and deeper, need-to-be-thought-out levels that haven't even occurred to me yet. What leaps off the page is equating "Islam" with "smear and innuendo - or at least inferring that some people are using it in that way - without ANY thought, reflection or analysis of some of the inherent problems with that automatic assumption. One kind of smear: being a bigot. Another kind of smear: being a Muslim.

I suppose I wanted something - a sentence, anything - on the incredibly problematic nature of this equation, where culture or religion is essentially equated to intolerance or narrow-mindedness. [This isn't to say that Sarah Palin IS any of those things, but rather that a discourse that equates the two as similar kinds of allegations is deeply troubling.]

So do we just give up on the hope that the mainstream news media can be capable of this kind of deeper analysis, a place to draw out power relations, assumptions and social structures? Or perhaps that's an unrealistic expectation to begin with, and that's where research and scholarship comes in?

All I know is that this kind of reporting, which blends 'news' and 'analysis' and 'observation' is certainly not helping.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

McCain, Palin... oh deary me.

I wish I had time to blog properly on what Adrew's been calling "Bristol-gate".

i don't [see previous post for reasons why].

But there's lively discussion happening over on StandsAlone and I'm getting stuck in over there. Come join in if you're as mesmerised by this whole business as we are.

For now, I'm enjoying constant references to Levi as a "hockey jock". Wonderful sounding phrase, that one.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Things on my mind...

... as we shuffle into spring:




Rearranging my entire thesis.

Discourse analysis.

Movietone News sound quality.

Rearranging my entire thesis.

The Whitlams with the MSO at Hamer Hall.

My brother's wedding.

Having a whole day off next week.

Oh, and rearranging my entire thesis. Lord help me.