Monday, February 27, 2006

laneway craziness

So we spent yesterday at the St Jerome's Laneway Festival... great music, weather, people, location

The whole set up was delightfully eclectic, as was the line-up. We had the most fun people-watching, checking out awesome T-shirts and some inspired op-shop treasures being paraded around Caledonian Lane. This is thing I love about jeromes - despite the whinging of 'old skool' fans that it's sold out now, full of suits and trendy trucker hat people - well, yes it is but they all look a little uncomfortable, a little out of place and can't help but staring at the indie 'freaks', whoa re in their element and just stare right back.

Well the day rocked. I know it's much cooler to detest indie rock bands like Faker than to love them, but i do.

The ever-manic nathan was at his writhing, lurching, wandering best: jumping off everything, banging his head against a speaker and climbing above the tarp roof to sit on some kind of duct-thing high above the laneway. the crowed loved it - they probably got the best crowd reaction all day.

broken social scene were also great, but les savy fav were a little too insane to get into - it seemed they were so busy being cool and crazy they forgot to make good music too. shame.

well it was crowded and by the time the avalanches came on everyone was talking to everyone else... we met some gorgeous guyus and gals and had a blast. I'll be going along next year, no questions.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

instant expert

it's amazing how three days of late night olympics coverage allows you to shamelessly jump on the winter sports bandwagon.

i originally tuned in because i spent last new year's in turin and was hoping for the occasional glimpse of the town i fell in love with - wide steets, the sunset river and the best gelati in italy. but now i'm hooked...

a glimpse of freestyle moguls, halfpipe snowboarding or whatever and i feel entirely qualified to judge 'explosive runs', 'clean landings', whether or not someone has 'corked a 10-80' and whether they get lots of 'air' and are 'super-relaxed' on their jumps.

do people actually talk like this? real people? i hope so, because i'm embracing it whole-heartedly.
and i'm not using capital letters in this post either - because funky snowboarding people don't. or do they? i've got no idea. if an australian wins gold in any sport at all, no matter how random or obscure, it's our national duty to become obsessed with it.

count me in.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

don't pretend you don't know what day it is

ok so i know we're all over valentines day.

it's generation sex, according to this week's good weekend [the age, melbourne] and we don't care about love and romance, only casual partners and 'blowing a guy's mind'.

i say bah humbug to the cynicism. BAH HUMBUG to generation sex.

yes, valentine's day is commercial, and there's pressure to make presents and dates bigger and better every year. for your man to outdo your friend's man. and yes, most of the schlocky presents you see advertised are crass...and ugly... or hilariously cheesy.

well, i like being taken out for dinner.
i like being spoilt and made to feel like a girl.
and i don't see the problem with having a day where you remember to take time to just be together, to remind each other that you're in a relationship by choice and for a reason.

so, this post is a little soppy. big deal. i just woke to flowers being delivered to my door from someone who knows that i don't like roses and remembers to send tulips instead. i've never felt more special and happy and all that soppy valentine's stuff.

so sue me.

i'm spending valentines having a picnic with Kharen, Karen, Emma, Caitlin and maybe Kelly too. there'll be wine, cheese and girl talk. then we'll watch the oc. almost entirely perfect.